Human Factors & Patient Safety Webinar

3rd May 2023

12:00 – 13:30

Human Factors principles aim to understand the ‘fit’ between an employee, their equipment and the surrounding environment, which can include learning styles, behaviours and values, leadership, teamwork, the design of equipment and processes, communication and organisational culture. In healthcare Human Factors can improve both performance and well-being while improving staff and patient safety. Human Factors has the most significant impact when applied systematically throughout the organisation.

The Safety For All campaign is hosting a webinar on the topic of Human Factors and patient safety where attendees will have the opportunity to hear from two experts in the field. An A&E consultant who hosts regular workshops on the importance of Human Factors and how to implement them effectively in healthcare and the Chair of the Clinical Human Factors Group (CHFG), a charity that raises the profile of Human Factors and campaigns for change in the NHS and healthcare.

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